An Urban, Dry Compostation system for all Organic excess matters with minimal water and zero waste
Our Mission
Our mission is to offer a user-friendly, multi-story buildings-oriented structure, with on-site or within close proximity compostation system, which can be duplicated and replace our problematic systems with a sustainable, resourceful & economical, eco-friendly system.

The Challenge
Urban growth
More than half of the global population lives in cities, and 85% of them rely on centralized sewage systems.
Since 2010 more than 50% of the world's population live in cities, reaching over 4.5 billion people.
By 2050, almost 70% of the people are projected to live in urban areas.
Slightly more than 85% use the regular septic sewage system. The rest 14% of city dwellers, as well as about 48% of the world’s population, do not have access to septic sewage and dispose of their excreta directly, either via basic soak-ways, or boreholes, or on the ground.
Post-treatment t of the rest of the human organic excess materials is in many cases land & energy-consuming, complex, and inefficient.
Centralized sewage
Urban sewage systems consume 35% of domestic freshwater, require frequent renovations, and costly landfills, & are pollutant and counter-sustainable.
Both the sewage system and direct disposal ways are problematic:
The septic sewage system is expensive, health-hazardous, and wasteful, since it:
Consumes about 35% of domestic freshwater
Requires costly, renovation every 25-30 yrs.
Requires expensive real estate for landfills every 20 yrs.
Leaks to the earth, causing ground pollution and freshwater Contamination, therefore is health hazardous
The soak-ways, boreholes, and direct ground disposal, are less water consuming, but cause pathogenic ground pollution and freshwater Contamination, and are health hazards too.
"Every year water and sanitation problems cause more deaths than war and the lack of sanitation is the world’s biggest cause of disease". (UNICEF)
Water scarcity and pollution
Half the global population faces periods of water scarcity, yet sewage systems not only use much water but also regularly contaminate remaining water sources.
Global scarcity of freshwater:
4 billion people, experience severe water scarcity, at least one month a year (UNICEF)
Over 2 billion people live in countries where water supply is inadequate (UNICEF)
By 2025, 1.8 billion people will experience absolute water scarcity, and 2/3 will be living under water-stressed conditions the world counts
Pollution: "…nearly 50 % of the world’s urban population depends on underground water sources, … more and more aquifers are being polluted, overexploited, and dried up by humans, sometimes with irreversible consequences" UN World Water Development Report March 2022 (WWDR).
"There will be no water by 2040 if we keep doing what we're doing today" Prof. Benjamin Sovacool, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Soil degradation & desertification
Due to ongoing loss of biomass, the amount of fertile land by 2050 is expected to shrink to only 10% of the Earth.
There is a global ongoing degradation of soil productivity in
20% of all cultivated areas.
30% of all forests.
10% of all grasslands.
Over 4 million square kilometers are being degraded every year
120000 square kilometers are turning into actual desert
Forecast: By 2050, Food Production Must double, to Meet World’s Growing population, yet only 10% of the earth will be available for growing crops.
The main reason: loss of biomass = organic matter
Waste of organic matter
Over half of the global excess organic matter comes from cities, but is treated as waste to be disposed of rather than as an asset for creating biomass.
The global organic excess material surpasses
2.6 million tonnes a day, or
960 million tonnes a year, of which about 500 million tonnes are from urban areas.
These organic materials are
human excreta -feces & Urine
food residue including liquids,
plant-based dry matter.
This excess organic matter is usually regarded as waste material to be disposed of.
Even in environment-oriented areas, excreta is disposed of through sewage systems, and the collection of the rest of the organic matter which is often effort-demanding, energy-consuming, and inefficient, results in the compostation of relatively low amounts.
Waste does not exist in nature – it is a human … concept, a product of our Ignorance”
Joseph Jenkins

Our Vision
U-ComposTech offers a wholistic, urban scale dry compostation system, that uses all domestic excess organic material, with minimal usage of water, and Zero Waste

The impacts of U-ComposTech:
Providing composting solutions for multi-story buildings would address all the above challenges in one go: reduce costs and need for urban sewage systems, save freshwater, as well as generate new biomass – thus allowing cities to re-fertilize the earth.
Our Services
U-Compostech 4 basic corner-stones:
Business Model
Public Bodies of Interest
Countries: Customers/Partners; Reducing water consumption; Improving sanitation; warfare in desertification; Regulation and financing plans.
Local government: water-saving; lowering the cost of living; Sanitation; Local standards, savings in landfill areas.
Water Authority: Reducing water consumption (35%); lowering the cost of sewage infrastructure; Organic wastewater treatment material.
Ministry of Health: Prevention of diseases and infections; normality and sanitary approval.
Ministry of Environmental Protection: Reducing wastewater pollution; land reclamation; Save reservoirs; Budgets for funding and research.
Ministry of Agriculture: Compost; reducing soil pollution; Dependence on effluents.
Customer Segments
Organizations & Countries
International aid organizations in the fields of water, sanitation, and food
- Looking for wholistic solutions to the challenges they face
- Local and well-connected representatives Support for financing and operation of environmental/social projects
Countries in need of assistance
- Interested in saving the land from desertification, preventing pollution, and saving water
Value proposition
An automated system for collecting, evacuating, and handling humanure and organic waste for condominium buildings, which:
- Prevents waste of water from the disposal of toilets
- Reduces contamination of wastewater
- Lowers the cost of living
- And regularly provides valuable raw material for compost production for gardening and agriculture
Customer Relations
- A value proposition that will highlight the environmental benefits (water, pollution, desertification)
- Experimenting with the system in the sales process (use of compostoilets and distribution of Humanure compost)
- Customer-tailored proposal that highlights cost savings and benefits
- Closing collaborations with the project as part of the contract (suppliers of dry organic material and end facilities for the removal of human garbage)
- Accompaniment and responsibility after installation including maintenance of collaborators
The Team

Founder, Entrepreneur, Composter,
Green planning, & Functional Design.
Co-founder & Patent owner in various environmental & wholistic systems infrastructure. Operates a dry compostation system since 2006.
Gilead Meroz
Septic Systems Expert
Engineering consultant in the field of water, runoff, and sewage infrastructure. 19 years of experience in operating and planning infrastructures and master plans.
Graduate of Biotechnology Engineering (B.Sc.) and Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)
Revital Gesua
LEED AP: Green architecture
Ryan is an architect by training and a practicing sustainability consultant based in Tel Aviv. He is an experienced professional with leading cross-disciplinary teams across projects in the US, Europe, and China.
Ryan Clarke
Industrial Designer
Experienced in eco-oriented and sustainable projects, product design, BA From Bezalel, academy of arts & design
Yuli Meroz

Business Advisor
Linoy Ziv
Legal Advisor
Daniella Segal
Filmmaker and photographer, passionate about nature and organic farming.