Dry Compostation Technology
An existing, approved worldwide technology for transforming organic domestic excess material into biomass.
Dry Compostation Is a natural, water-free, 4 phases process:
Preliminary Mesophilic phase
Hot Thermophilic phase
Fungal & macroorganisms cooling phase
Curing & maturing phase
The end product: Pathogen-free, nutrient-rich, Valuable Compost
Our organic excess material:
It comes from 3 main sources, in these average quantities, per person, daily:
Human excreta (feces and urine) –1322 grams (& ml)
Food residues, including liquids –750 grams, (counting for 21.6 % of all domestic waste).
Plant-based dry matter (Branches, sawdust, paper, carton, etc.), about 1235 grams, (counting for 35.6% of all domestic waste).
The total, daily amount per person is slightly over 3300 grams.
Global amounts: over 2.6 million tonnes a day, or 960 million tonnes a year,
All these organic materials, which are mostly regarded as nuisance & waste that has to be disposed of, are exactly the biomass materials needed to keep
a soil fertile.